Pavel Durov, chief executive of Telegram, will stand trial before French judge Paul Faure to decide whether to be formally charged for allegedly facilitating illegal activity on its platform. Judge Faure said the case was not just about individuals but also about the liability of technology companies. Mr. Durov could face up to 20 years in prison in a case that could become a major focus of global discussion about digital rights and corporate responsibility and could set a landmark precedent for...
On August 28th, according to Bloomberg, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been detained in Paris for four days on suspicion of allowing criminals to move freely on its platform. According to French law, Durov's detention time cannot exceed 8:00 pm local time (2:00 am Beijing time on August 29th, a total of 96 hours). At that time, Durov will be taken to a Paris court, where the investigating judge will decide whether to...
Telegram issued its first official statement on the arrest of Pavel Durov, its chief executive, who has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe. "It is not clear what exactly Durov has been charged with, or whether he has been arrested. There have been various reports that he may have been arrested for lack of management of the Telegram platform, but the facts remain murky without official confirmation from the French government or further explanation from Telegram."